Purchase or Donate a Boston Harbor Elementary School Yearbook from the links below!
We will be collecting photos all year to be submitted for the yearbook!
Families can upload photos for consideration for the yearbook via the below link or by downloading “Yearbook Snap” from the App Store. A great way to find photos on most mobile devices is to search your photo library for “Zangle Road” to locate images taken at school.
Here are some photo ideas!
– Science projects
-School activities
– Field trips (park, hikes, beach, farms, etc)
– Music performances
– 3rd grade “wax” museum
– Field trips (park, hikes, beach, farms, etc)
– Music performances
– 3rd grade “wax” museum
-Volunteers at school
All pictures submitted will be reviewed to ensure that the student has permission to be in the yearbook.
If you have any questions please email communications@bhspta.org.