June 10th and June 11th are the days for getting supplies back to families. This includes materials from the classroom (pre-bagged), medications from the nurse’s office, and instruments for band/orchestra. We will also ask that all library books, book in a bag books/tubs, classroom library books be returned at this time. Please click here for more details.
Please join us digitally for the final PTA member meeting of this school year on Wednesday, June 10th at 6pm as we vote on 2020-21 budget and board members. JOANNE SNARSKI is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: PTA Membership Meeting 6/10/20 6:00 pm Time: Jun 10, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86154435488… Meeting ID: 861 5443 5488 Password: 908214 One tap mobile+12532158782,,86154435488#,,1#,908214# US (Tacoma)
June 10th and June 11th are the days for getting supplies back to families. This includes materials from the classroom (pre-bagged), medications from the nurse’s office, and instruments for band/orchestra. We will also ask that all library books, book in a bag books/tubs, classroom library books be returned at this time. Please click here for more details.