10 events found.
Thanksgiving Break
No School!
Early Release
Early Release Half Day for grades K-5th (no Preschool). Dismissal @ 12:25. Lunch will be served.
Movie Night at the Fire Station
Movie Night at the Boston Harbor fire station. Visit southbayfire.com for details!
Boston Harbor Bearzaar
It's the Boston Harbor Bearzaar! Kids can purchase small gifts for their family members throughout the day at the Boston Harbor Bearzaar. We always need wrapping help, so let Angela Harmeier know if you can join the fun! (president @ bhspta.org)
Winter Break
No School!
PTA Meeting
Join us for our monthly PTA meeting!
Eastside Choral Festival
Eastside Choral Festival @ 6:00 p.m. at OHS.
Mid-Winter Break
No School!
Bear Paw Store
Help needed! Call the office!